About Us

Innova Montreal is a leading information technology consulting firm that specializes in solving business problems with both industry standards and innovative solutions. With a proven track record of success, our expertise includes IT Solutions, Cloud, Data, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, APIs, and Blockchain technology. Trust us to help drive your business forward with cutting-edge IT solutions.

Recent mandates

We designed, developed and deployed a High-Frequency Trading (HFT) System and a few trading strategies. The system comprises numerous backend services and frontend applications, capable of handling thousands of prices in real-time. The technology stack is diverse, featuring Python, Rust and Redis for backend development and Angular for frontend development. The infraestructure was built on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Design and build a large infrastructure (fully Infraestructure as Code) for document digitization, OCR and Content Analysis. The platform was able to handle tens of millions of documents.
Development of a churn model for Medicaid and Medicare, and its infrastructure in Azure Machine Learning.
Design and development of a fully serverless machine learning platform for super-fast and simple model deployment with massive scaling capabilities. The infraestructure was built on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Rearchitecting and replatforming of several monolithic applications into microservices and deployment in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
Research & Development of Expert-Augmented Machine Learning (EAML), a methodology and algorithm to build high precision and trustworthy machine learning models. Paper published in Proccedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Created a framework for Business Process Optimization (BPO) which has allowed a significant saving in time and quality gain for many business processes. Lead the reengineering and automation of many business processes.